Fail Better

Inspired by “Samuel Beckett’s Act without words I: a mime for one player” Canuso navigates the everchanging rules of her environment.  Created in collaboration with Director Jennifer Childs, Set Designer Matthew Saunders, Lighting Designer Mark O’Maley. Performed by Nichole Canuso.
Fail Better has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage.

“Simply one of the most beautiful movement pieces imaginable”  Philadelphia City Paper

The Faulty Lens

Subtle Gesture slips toward expansive partnering and loops of consciousness match cycles of momentum as two bodies negotiate an unusual journey through space and time.
Performed by David Brick and Nichole Canuso


A trio of women build a tight pattern of kinetic rules, each testing the limits and continually rocking the interpersonal balance of the group
Performed by Nichole Canuso, Niki Cousineau, Christy Lee

“Smart, funny, well-crafted loveliness” Philadelphia City Paper

Better I’d Stayed Up

A surreal landscape of doppelgangers and skewed reflections
PERFORMED BY: David Brick, Nichole Canuso, Peter D’Orsaneo, Christy Lee, Aryani Manring, Michele Tantoco
SOUND DESIGN: Rick Henderson
COSTUME DESIGN: Jennifer Goettner
Commissioned by the Bessie Schonberg/First Light Commissioning Program of Dance Theater Workshop with funds from the Jerome Foundation of St. Paul, MN.